Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Small Steps

This book is about a boy named Armpit.  He just got out of camp green lake and he has one mega goal and it is to...

Loose the name Armpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You just imagine having a name like Armpit or one of the body parts like Hands or Feet. I couldn't stand it could you?
Armpit finds all his small steps getting more big steps.  

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Deci pipes

The deci pipes helped me learn to add decimals , now I love doing decimals. The big blue one is a whole, the big red one is one you thread the thousandths tenths and hundredths on to show your thinking and if you are a visual learner . the silver ones are thousandths the little blue ones are hundredths the smallish blue ones are tenths

Market Day

I am so excited I can't wait , but I'm using one of the habits of mind , managing impulsivity till market day , but is hard . On Sunday Emma and I started to make pencil holders and it was so fun mum has to by more stickers and eyes so we can decorate more cans we haven't started any thing else yet and market day is in two weeks!!!!!!!!